Ummah Films

Thank you to Night for sharing this wonderful video about Islam by Baba Ali

His Videos in Youtube

He's an awesome person, all his videos are humorous but also educative and true.
All the stuff that i wanna to say he said it for me XD
So i've been checking his websites and other videos which are totally inspiring.
I really wish there are more Muslim people like him out there, Im sure there are but not more enough.
I personally love this vid especially

i dont know what to say already after i watch it, its just SO TRUE
and i almost cried when i watched his vid how he convert to islam, well it was funny but the last quote just got to me

"The end result is worth it"- Baba Ali

So do check out his websites

UmmahFilms and Halfourdeen

the second link is a Muslim dating site for people who are serious to get marry, so im promoting it here xD


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