Nicotto Town!

Square enix subsidiary smile lab launched a new virtual world, nicotto town!!!!
" Square Enix to Launch Casual Virtual Space in Japan
The new service -- a collaboration with Japanese internet provider Nifty -- will be aimed at the casual market, with no traditional Square Enix characters in sight.
Instead, you'll be dressing and parading your fashionable avatars in a cutesy setting, while chatting up fellow members and taking in a few mini-games.
In Nicotto Town, you'll also be able to establish a home and garden -- sprucing it up in Animal Crossing fashion -- although no details have been revealed on what sort of monetary transactions will be involved when purchasing in-game items.
The promotional site does mention that an in-game blog and the access to mini-games will be free of charge.
Nifty is hosting a beta trial from August 22 to September 5, with the official website now taking applications -- the first 5,000 entries will be accepted.

LOL i copy and paste from ifa's blog XD
this website game is like Habbo but much more cuter and fun!

Nicotto Town Website

hehe, this is my avatar XD since its almost holloween, there's a themed clothes for holloween event in Nicotto Town.. i have some other clothes aswell

and this is my room XD add a bed and sofa

this is how nicotto town looks like! on my left is a cafe where you can access into a chat server of 15 people at a time

anyway its in japanese so you guys need a dictonary to know how to operate it..
but i've got some tips from a japanese friend that i made in the town,
his name is xii.
so if you guys have any questions, might as well ask me


Anonymous said…
Hey how do you get onto this website? an account? i would love to play! it looks cute!
Anonymous said…
Does it use real money?
honeysue said…
yes make an acc to get it xD

some of the items you need to have real money

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